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Local and global market downturns that periodically impact firms affect their trade, production and overall business performance, sometimes leading the company to financial distress.


Our services are intended to assist companies in redesigning its debt capability and profile alongside the lending institutions involved.

INTERLAT has participated in restructuring transactions for more than $0.5 billion U.S. dollars, which have provided the experience and knowledge of our clients' needs and that of the different actors in these processes. We assist our clients with the following services, if so required:

  • Diagnosis of the current situation

  • Debt capacity analysis

  • Financial modeling

  • Determination of the target structure

  • Preparing the financing plan

  • Working with legal counsel

  • Implementation of the plan

  • Seeking buyers for assets

  • Assisting in the management of resources during the process

  • Implementing the best tax strategy

  • Support the preparation of the terms of new loans

  • Assisting in negotiating with creditors

  • Due diligence

  • Chapter 11

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